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  • How do I make an appointment?
    You are welcome to contact me by phone, email or via the contact form on my website. If you go through to my voicemail when calling, please leave a message with your name and best contact number and I will call you back. I aim to respond to phone, email and contact form messages by the next working day. We can then arrange a 15-minute phone call where you can ask me any questions you may have and I can get an understanding of how I can support your needs. During this call, we can discuss booking your initial session.
  • How much are session fees?
    Sessions are £60 a week for a 50 minute session and are payable in advance by bank transfer.
  • Is counselling confidential?
    What you say in counselling is confidential and what we discuss stays between us. However, there are a few exceptions to this, which I will go through during our first meeting.
  • How many sessions will I need?
    This is individual to you and your circumstances. We can discuss in your initial session what you want to get out of therapy and then agree together whether we work towards a set number of sessions or work on an open-ended basis. We will review our work together at pre-agreed dates throughout your time in therapy.
  • Anything else?
    If you have any questions that haven’t been answered here, or want any further information, contact me now and I’ll be happy to talk through this with you. 07955 510048

© 2024  Hannah Guyatt

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